Atlanta Journal Article from September 1992.The Death and Return of Superman Omnibus 2007 Version.

Death and Return: The Collected Editions.Platinum Death of Superman Trade Paperback.The Many Faces of Adventures of Superman #500.The Strange Story of How The Media Found Out About The Death of Superman.So enjoy the posts and comment if the mood strikes you.

To say that I am a fan of this story is a gross understatement and between the Fortress and From Crisis to Crisis (the podcast I host with my friend Jeffrey Taylor) I have spent a lot of time covering Superman’s death and resurrection and I thought it might be a good idea to organize the various articles and images and other bits of business that I have posted over the years into one place to make it easier for those that want to check them out to…well, to check them out.

Considering the hype for this movie,i thought it would be better than it was.it wasn't a horrible movie,but i don't think it lived up to the Superman name.Brandon Routh as Superman,looked a lot like Christopher Reeve,maybe a bit too much.his mannerisms were also too much like Reeve,as if he were trying to emulate him,when instead he should have been trying to put his own stamp on the character.Kate Bosworth was okay as Loise lane,but Kevin Spacey was an inspired choice as Lex Luthor.i also liked Frank Langella as Perry White.however,i could have done without James Marsden as Richard White,especially since his role was so small it was pointless.the other problem i had with the movie is that it tended to lag at times,causing my attention to wander.this movie just didn't have the impact of a movie like spider man or even any of the x-men just didn't have as much substance as it could have.if you've yet to see this movie,keep your expectations low and maybe you won't be overly disappointed.This section of the Fortress is meant to serve as a hub for all of the posts I have done concerning The Death and Return of Superman.